
Silk scarf with ginkgo pattern black and white

My in-laws live on a farm in a remote little village. My father-in-law is a good gardener and has a green thumb. When we visit them, I admire the magnificent roses, peonies, berries and vegetables on the farm. This in turn makes him happy😊. 20 years ago he was with us in China. As a botanist, he quickly discovered three popular plants in China: the oak, the cypress and the ginkgo. The reason for their popularity lies in the strong "character" of the plants. The oak is steadfast, the cypress is ever green even in the greatest cold. And the ginkgo? It can live for 3000 years and grow up to 60 meters tall. A sign of health and long life! Many months after our return from China, I discovered three delicate plants in the farm's herb garden. I couldn't believe my eyes and ears: since we were there in September, my father-in-law picked up three fruits from the trees from the ground, brought them back and planted them! So every time I visit for 20 years, I go to the little hidden garden and say "Ni Men Hao Ma?" to the trees, because they are still babies given their long lifespan.


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